The Dalai Lama underwent a successful knee surgery at the renowned Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York. His arrival in the United States was marked by a warm welcome from thousands of well-wishers, demonstrating the immense global admiration and respect he commands. The 88-year-old spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism has been dealing with knee issues for some time. According to Radio Free Asia (RFA), medical experts had suggested that a successful surgery on his right knee would not only alleviate pain and improve mobility in that knee but also help the left knee function better. They anticipated that with successful surgery and proper rehabilitation, His Holiness might be able to walk properly within three weeks. The surgery, performed by a team of expert surgeons at HSS, was aimed at addressing the degeneration and pain that had been affecting his mobility. The Hospital for Special Surgery is globally recognized for its expertise in orthopedics and joint care, making it a...